
The Battle of Agincourt that took place on the 25th of October 1415 was a fascinating but controversial battle. 

Have any questions?

If you have any queries about Agincourt, please feel free to contact Professor Anne Curry 

A few articles to whet your appetite:

Where did Henry Cross the Somme?

By Peter Hoskins The first objective after landing in France was the capture of Harfleur. Once this had been achieved, and measures had been taken to secure the town, Henry set out for Calais. The most significant obstacle between Henry and this English foothold in France was the Somme. Somewhere along his route the river would have to be crossed. This was as obvious to the French as it was to the English and Henry could expect his crossing to be opposed. The shortest and most direct route to Calais...
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What horses did the king have personally for the expedition?

By Dan Spencer All medieval English kings (including Henry V) had their own stables of horses for the use of their immediate household and themselves. These horses were looked after by an official called the Master of the King’s Horses, a position which was occupied by John Waterton in 1415. Waterton came from a Lincolnshire gentry family which had strong links to the house of Lancaster. In August 1399 he was sent to Ireland to buy horses for Henry Bolingbroke (the future Henry IV).  In the reign of Henry IV...
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Are there eyewitness accounts of the battle of Agincourt?

By Dan Spencer A small number of accounts survive from the period of men who claimed to have been present at the battle. These exist in a type of document known as a chronicle, which generally took the form of historical events placed in chronological order. Traditionally these had tended to be written in Latin on parchment by monastic writers, although increasingly in the fifteenth century they were also written by the laity in the vernacular. In most cases they were only ever intended to be read by a very...
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Did Henry V Found the Royal Navy?

By Stephen Cooper Nowadays historians are reluctant to recognise Henry V as one of the founders of the Royal Navy, because the word ‘navy’ was not used in the modern sense until the 16th century and ‘the Royal Navy’ implies the existence of a standing fleet of royal ships, when no medieval monarch possessed one (nor for that matter was there a standing army). In addition, it was impossible to exercise true sea power in medieval times, because the ships of the day found it difficult to keep the sea,...
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